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copy of 7 chakra bracelet made of natural stone beads and lava beads

7 Chakra bracelet with 8 mm natural stone beads, adjustable size

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The bracelet consists of 10 lava beads and 7 colored stones in the colors of the 7 chakras: amethyst, lapis lazuli, turquoise, jasper, tiger eye, synthetic amber, onyx as well as 2 gold-colored metal beads and a tree of life bead.

The bracelet is intended to strengthen the power of the seven chakras. In Hinduism and yoga, chakras are the energy centers of the body.

In this bracelet, seven beads symbolize the individual chakras:

Root chakra / Muladhara: materiality, trust and grounding

Sacral chakra / Svadhistana: emotions and sexuality

Solar plexus chakra / Manipura: thought patterns and beliefs

Heart chakra / Anahata: connection to higher love

Throat chakra / Vissudha: spiritual expression on earth

Forehead chakra / Ajna: connection to the incarnated soul

Crown chakra / Sahasrara: gateway to the inner self!

What does the tree of life mean?

The design is associated with both religious and spiritual beliefs. In Buddhism, the Bodhi tree is the place where Buddha received enlightenment. The symbol is associated with wisdom in the Book of Proverbs. Nordic cultures believed that the tree of life was a magical source of knowledge.

The size can be adjusted using the sliding knot. The smallest size is 15 cm inner circumference.

Please note that the colors of the colorful stone beads can vary greatly in color intensity and pattern.


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copy of 7 chakra bracelet made of natural stone beads and lava beads

7 Chakra bracelet with 8 mm natural stone beads, adjustable size

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